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If you've followed any of my content on this site, you'll understand just how important adequate high-quality protein is for weight loss, body sculpting, managing hunger, and exercise recovery.


You'll also know that it's important to have overall intake evenly distributed across the day, rather than skewed toward dinner time, as is common with most eating patterns.


This high protein recipe pack is all you need to sustain healthy, high protein diet with a variety of tastes, textures and nutrients.  


Inside you'll find two sample weekly meal plans that you could simply follow by the book, or use as a general guide to acheive your goals of healthier eating, weight loss and recovery.  


Within the meal plans exist 52 high protein breakfast, lunch, dinner and smoothie well as a few treats. All recipes are quick, simple and delicious.


These meals have been created for their high protein content to support weight loss and performance, however, are also created with optimal health in mind. Across the meal plans and each recipe are a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds, whole grains and healthy fats, all necessary for excellent overall health.


The recipe pack comes with a detailed shopping list, with ingredients sorted into clearly marked categories, so you will succeed with the most important element of healthy eating - planning. 


Download this PDF recipe pack straight to your phone, and take it with you straight to the supermarket.


Also included within each recipe are:

  • Reference key to easily identify if meals are gluten free, vegetarian, quick (<30min), low carb, ideal for meal prep, or all of the above;
  • Detailed nutrition panel, outlining total calories and macronutrients;
  • Preparation and cooking time indicator; 
  • myfitnesspal barcode to instantly track each meal into your overall daily intake;
  • Tips for ingredient or kitchen appliance alternatives


I hope you enjoy exploring these new recipes and will let me know, personally, how great they make you feel & perform.

High Protein Recipe Pack

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