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Nutrition & Training Blog
Unbiased, evidence based information and guidance for your fitness & nutrition journey.
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4 min read
Minimum amount of training needed to build muscle
What is the minimum amount of weight training needed to do to build muscle, get stronger and change your physique? This is a very...

4 min read
Why Exercise is not THE Answer to Weight Loss
Exercise is not THE answer to weight loss, whether it's "Fat Burning" Cardio or the furnace stoking High Intensity Interval Training...

4 min read
Transitioning from fat loss to muscle building phases
Transitioning from fat loss to muscle building requires a solid plan to ensure you don't undo the hard work by putting body fat back o

5 min read
How to calculate your maintenance calories
Understanding the fundamental concept of maintenance calories, and calculating it, is crucial for achieving your fitness goals.

5 min read
The 3 Essential Steps of Muscle-Building Nutrition
Follow these 3 simple steps with your diet to build muscle optimally.

6 min read
Everything you need to know about Protein
Protein is the key nutrient for any fitness goal, whether it's fat loss or muscle building. Understand what it is, and how much you need

7 min read
Optimising the Food Environment for Longterm Success
A practical guide to build new Eating Habits. Given the importance of diet to your health, ensuring that the food environment is...

6 min read
How to get more fruit and vegetables into your diet
Six strategies to increase your daily intake "Eat like an adult" Heathy habits are learned just as unhealthy habits are. They're learned...

4 min read
Habit Building for Long Term Results
Your guide to building habits to achieve your goals and make them stick. Habits are defined as actions that are triggered automatically...

1 min read
Red Lentil Soup
Red Lentil Soup Serves 4 What you'll need 165 g (or 1 cup) red lentils 1 red onion 2 or 3 cloves of garlic 4 medium carrots, diced 4...

4 min read
Hydration for Active Individuals & Athletes
Your Hydration Guide We all know that water is the fluid of life. We've been told that it's important for our overall health - but why?...

3 min read
Performance plates
Sports and Training Nutrition - Fuelling for the work required All of us have a minimum daily requirement of energy intake to fulfil...

1 min read
Antioxidant Blueberry Protein Smoothie
Breakfast is generally the most challenging meal of the day to hit nutrition targets. This is why smoothies are such a good option....

1 min read
Protein Fruit Bowls
You can have dessert for breakfast. Or breakfast for dessert. You can also get protein into every meal to reach your protein goals and...

1 min read
Waldorf Chicken Salad
The goal is to eliminate barriers and make healthy habits as easy as possible. As long as the ingredients are in reach, its a quick and...

1 min read
Tuna & Quinoa Toss Salad
With 37g of protein accompanying healthy fats and fibre, this quick and simple meal is a go to in my weekly meal plan. Let's be honest,...

1 min read
Tuna & Broccoli Salad with Honey Vinaigrette
"It's hard to eat healthy" "I just don't have time to make healthy meals" "I don't know how to cook..." To this I say - Yep I totally get...

1 min read
High Protein Blueberry Pancakes
Weekends are made for enjoying pancakes. Period. But, breakfast is the one meal where people tend to have low protein intake, leaving...

2 min read
Smoked Salmon, Feta & Asparagus Omelet
Healthy fats, a good dose of protein and really quick to prepare for the busy punter. Add a generous salad to pump up the nutrient and...

1 min read
Spanish Zucchini Frittata
Introducing the best all-rounder dish on the planet. With 21g of protein for 377 calories, and taking just 10minutes to prepare, this is...
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